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Economic Research Journal (Monthly) Vol.50 No.10 October, 2015
• On Evaluating China's Innovation Subsidy Policy: Theory and Evidence
…………………………Zhang Jie,Chen Zhiyuan,Yang Lianxing and Xin Fu (4)
• The Economic Climates and Government Debt Risk in China
…………………………Pang Xiaobo and Li Dan (18)
• Central Bank Expectation Management, Inflation Volatility and Bank Risk-taking
…………………………Wang Li and Wang Xianshuang (34)
• Financial Market Segmentation, Credit Allocation Imbalance and Manufacturing Exports of China:Perspectives from Firm-level Heterogeneity on Productivity and Financing Capability
…………………………Luo Wei and Lv Yue (49)
• Fund Family Co-holding: Differences of Opinion and Stock Return
…………………………Li Ke, Lu Rong and Xia Yi (64)
• Deregulation on Short Sale Constraint, Corporate Investment and Valuation
…………………………Jin Qinglu, Hou Qingchuan, Li Gang and Xie Yaxi (76)
• The Evolution of Efficiency of Chinese Manufacturing Industry's Inter-provincial Resource Allocation:Based on the Perspective of the Binary Margin
…………………………Sun Yuanyuan and Zhang Jianqing (89)
• Urbanization, Megapolization and Local Government Size in China
…………………………Yu Huayi (104)
• How Does Demographic Structure Affect Current Account Imbalance? ——Empirical Evidence from the Instrumental Variable Estimation of WWII
…………………………Li Bing and Ren Yuan (119)
• The Pattern of Labor Cross-dialects Migration
…………………………Liu Yuyun, Xu Xianxiang and Xiao Zekai (134)
• Old-Age Insurance,Ethics of Filial Piety and Intergenerational Pareto Improvement of Family Welfare
…………………………Zhang Su and Wang Jie (147)
• Land Transfer Incentive and Welfare Effect Research from Perspective of Farmers‘ Behavior
…………………………Chen Fei and Zhai Weijuan (163)
• A Summary for the 15th China Youth Economists Forum
…………………………Chen Guojin, Fang Ying and Hong Yongmiao (178)
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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