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TitleMargin Trading and Short Selling and Firm Innovation:An Analysis based on the Perspective of Both Quantity and Quality  
作者郝项超 梁琪 李政  
AuthorHao Xiangchao,Liang Qi and Li Zheng  
OrganizationNanKai University; Tianjin University Of Finance & Economics 
Key WordsMargin trading and short selling; Innovation quality; Idiosyncratic risk; Corporate governance 
AbstractThis paper empirically examines the impact of margin trading and short selling on the quantity and quality of firm innovations. To address the endogeneity, this paper first use propensity score matching approach to match an equal number of firms whose stocks are not eligible for credit trading for firms whose stocks are eligible for credit trading, and then construct a general difference-in-differences model. The first main finding is that short selling is associated with the increase of both innovation quantity and quality, while margin trading is associated with the decrease of both of them. In the case of margin trading accounting for almost all the credit trading, the negative impact of margin trading dominates the positive impact of short selling, hence impeding firm innovations. This finding holds for controlling the bias of matching approach, the impact of state ownership, using alternative innovation proxies and expanding the event window. This paper further finds that margin trading and short selling affect innovation not only through corporate governance but also information mechanism. Finally, this paper also finds that firms eligible for credit trading respond to the combined impacts of margin trading and short selling by creating more patent applications but sacrificing patent quality, consequently lowering innovation quality. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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